Friday, June 29, 2012

LG Black (Unlocked) + Bonus (Android Phone) ?

LG E400 Black Sim-Free Unbranded Boxed Az New 4GB Micro SD Card (Bonus) This Phone Is Really Fast When Using Internet! This an excellent small smart phone. I spent several weeks researching how I could get a quality small android gingerbread mobile for near to £100 and the LG Optimus L3 E400 ticked all the right boxes for me. The screen resolution is fine for everything I want to do. The 3Mbite enhanced camera takes very good photographs. The LG touch-screen keyboard is tiny but very accurate - I make more mistakes with my 7inch Android Tablet keyboard. The LG supplied Launcher Software is so good that I am not going to bother upgrading it. Somehow, LG have even squeezed a compass sensor in with all the other sensor technology. It has one of the biggest Mobile Batteries in terms of capacity that I have had in a modern mobile - hence good battery liFe! The pre-supplied apps all seem to be good and the phone runs all the additional apps that I have added with no problems. People comment on how Good it looks. All in all this phone gives me the Android functionality I need without carrying a modern smart-phone brick around in my pocket. Details Body Colour:Black Depth:12 mm Height:103 mm Product Type:Android Phone Integrated Components:Digital camera, FM radio, digital player, GPS receiver, voice recorder
